What Are Dental Bridges?
If one or more of your teeth has fallen out, it’s not just a problem with appearance. The subsequent gaps in your teeth may cause other teeth to shift. This may result in unnecessary tension in your bite, pain when you chew, or even trouble speaking. A bridge improves the health and appearance of your mouth by covering spaces with a false tooth that is supported by either your natural teeth, dental implants, or both. At Savannah Smiles Dental in Schertz, TX, we offer dental bridges with top-quality materials to help give you back your smile. If you are missing one or more teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cassandra Montemayor to learn about your restoration options with a custom dental bridge.
Request an AppointmentWhat are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?
Patients choose dental bridges to replace their missing teeth for a variety of reasons. Treatment is fast, effective, and long-lasting. Bridges restore the aesthetic appearance of your smile and help you chew and speak properly. Savannah Smiles Dental is proud to provide the following additional benefits to men and women in Schertz, TX:
- Stable and secure fit
- Made from durable, long-lasting materials
- Match the shade of your natural teeth
- Easy to care for with regular brushing and flossing
- Prevent additional tooth loss
- Restore your smile’s beauty and self-confidence
Am I a Good Candidate for a Dental Bridge?
You may be a candidate for a dental bridge if you have any missing teeth since they are not just an appearance problem, but missing teeth can heavily impact your oral health as well. Your mouth is balanced carefully and a missing tooth can affect its function. Over time, a missing tooth can lead to teeth shifting, creating problems with your bite (overbite, underbite, crossbite), and atrophy of the gums and jawbone. To place a bridge, the surrounding teeth must be strong enough to hold the restoration, with sufficient density in the jawbone and gum tissue. Dr. Montemayor will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw at your exam and consultation to help you select the best bridge type (cantilever, traditional, Maryland bonded, or resin bonded) and material (porcelain, ceramic, porcelain fused to metal, and metal).
How Do Dental Bridges Work?
Once your teeth are filed down in preparation, Dr. Montemayor will take digital images and impressions of your teeth so your custom bridge can be created. If needed, a temporary bridge or restoration may be used while your custom one is crafted. As soon as your dental bridge is ready, the treatment areas of your mouth may be prepped with a numbing agent. Stronger anesthesia or other sedation options may be discussed if you have anxiety or trouble with a gag reflex to help keep you calm during the placement. Your bridge will either be cemented into its position or attached to implants based on the method you and Dr. Montemayor selected at your consultation. The position of the bridge will be adjusted so it feels right and stable in your mouth.