What Is A Smile Makeover?

Throughout your lifetime, you might have had injuries, dental problems, and other difficulties that made your teeth less than ideal. A smile makeover at Savannah Smiles Dental is a personalized treatment plan of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures that aid in improving the appearance of your teeth and overall oral health. A smile makeover may consist of teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and replacing metal fillings with tooth-colored fillings. Your smile makeover could also include restorations, like bridges or crowns to replace a missing tooth or teeth. If you want to know more about the treatments to renew your smile so that it’s healthy and beautiful, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cassandra Montemayor at her office in Schertz, TX.

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What Are The Benefits Of A Smile Makeover?

At Savannah Smiles Dental, we aim to help our patients look and feel their best. Our smile makeover treatments offer our Schertz, TX patients a number of exciting benefits, including:

  • An effective and efficient way to undergo multiple treatments in an ideal timeline
  • Improved functionality of your smile
  • An enhanced appearance to your smile
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem about your result
  • Customized treatment options

Am I a Good Candidate For a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover may help if you want to improve the look of your teeth, or if you want multiple cosmetic or restorative procedures. Dr. Montemayor will personalize your smile makeover plan to fit your concerns and goals, but it might contain teeth whitening to fix discoloration and stains on your enamel. Other cosmetic treatments that might be in your plan are bonding and contouring or veneers to correct the length and shape of your teeth, and to mask minor openings between teeth. Dental restorations (bridges and crowns) may be suggested to replace a missing tooth or teeth. At Savannah Smiles Dental, we offer custom restorations so they blend with your natural teeth for a seamless look.

Before you have any cosmetic treatments, Dr. Montemayor will need to make certain that your teeth and gums are healthy. If you have any restrictive oral health problems such as a dental malocclusion or gum disease, then this will have to be addressed first.

What Is the Smile Makeover Process?

Each smile makeover is personalized according to your cosmetic concerns and goals so Dr. Montemayor will discuss exactly what to expect throughout your treatments, such as the number of appointments you might require. She can work with you to plan out your appointments to complete each of the procedures of your smile makeover. Local anesthesia may be needed before a few of the treatments, although other sedation options may be suggested if you need help relaxing due to worry or anxiety. Throughout your smile makeover, Dr. Montemayor, along with her team, will be happy to answer any questions and help you feel more comfortable.

What to Expect After a Smile Makeover

Because the details of each smile makeover will vary from patient to patient, the recovery process will also vary. Generally speaking, patients may expect some soreness, tenderness, or swelling of the gums and tissues for a few days. The teeth may also be sore or sensitive immediately following treatment. During this time, you may be advised to eat a diet consisting primarily of soft foods and liquids while also avoiding overly hot or cold foods and beverages. Again, the smile makeover process is highly personalized, so our team will take ample time to discuss what you should expect after your treatment, including how your teeth may feel, important aftercare tips, and how to best maintain your results over time.