What Are Dental Exams?
Getting routine dental evaluations lets you take a preemptive step to preserve the health of your teeth. A biannual dental exam at Savannah Smiles Dental diagnoses tooth decay, gum disease, cancer of the mouth, and various other concerns that may be affecting your dental and general health. Generally offered during twice-yearly teeth cleaning appointments, comprehensive exams let Dr. Cassandra Montemayor study the teeth, gumline, arch alignment, jawbone, and other oral structures and can make way for the prompt diagnosis of existing problems. In order to keep up with the health and beauty of your teeth, set up a thorough dental examination at our Schertz, TX practice.
Request an AppointmentHow Do Dental Exams Work?
Dental exams at our Schertz, TX office begin with a discussion about your medical history. We can also talk with you about any dental or cosmetic smile concerns you have in order to come up with a treatment plan that will address them. During certain annual check-ins, a set of digital x-rays might be ordered to provide Dr. Montemayor with greater knowledge of the health of your teeth and bone tissues. She can then perform an oral cancer screening, check the alignment of your arches and jaws, and monitor your teeth for trauma and the fit of any dental appliances. A gum evaluation will also be offered to find any areas of periodontal disease.